Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why every programmer should have a blog

Picture this -- It's Thursday night. You're hacking away at the keyboard, slingin' some code for a project that's due by the end of the week. Your scribbled UML diagrams on the legal pad under the desk lamp are hardly visible beneath the rings of coffee stains from all the cups you've been drinking over the past four days. You hit F5 to double check your code changes, when suddenly

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Slim Up Your JavaScript with CSS3 - Transitions

As I've been learning about CSS3, I've been particularly interested in the ways that it can help keep my HTML lean and clean. But I was surprised to learn that CSS3 doesn't only tidy up your markup -- it can also eliminate the need for presentation-related JavaScript code! Let's take a look...
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Dave Leeds
My Hobbies:
  • Programming
  • Cartooning
  • Music Writing
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